
Understanding Kubernetes Ingress: Controllers, TLS, and Live Coding Insights

TLDR: This blog post provides a comprehensive overview of Kubernetes Ingress, including its necessity, how it works with services, and the differences between various service types like NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Ingress. It also covers the implementation of Ingress controllers, routing rules, and TLS configurations, along with practical coding examples.

Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage applications in containers. One of the key components of Kubernetes is the Ingress, which plays a crucial role in managing external access to services within a cluster. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Ingress, its necessity, how it works with services, and the implementation of Ingress controllers, including TLS configurations.

Setting the Context: Kubernetes Services

Before diving into Ingress, it is essential to understand Kubernetes services. A Kubernetes service is an abstraction that defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them. For instance, if we deploy a checkout application as a pod in a Kubernetes cluster, it is assigned a dynamic IP address. This dynamic nature can lead to issues when one pod goes down and comes back up with a different IP address, causing communication failures with other services, such as a payments service.

To mitigate this, Kubernetes services act as a stable endpoint for accessing pods. They use labels and selectors to identify the required application or pod, ensuring that applications can communicate without downtime.

Types of Kubernetes Services

Kubernetes services can be created in several ways, but the most common types are:

  1. ClusterIP: This service type exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP. It is not accessible from outside the cluster.

  2. NodePort: This service type exposes the service on each node’s IP at a static port. It allows external traffic to access the service but can lead to complications with firewall configurations.

  3. LoadBalancer: This service type creates an external load balancer in supported cloud providers, providing a stable external IP address for accessing the service.

Why Use Ingress?

While NodePort and LoadBalancer services allow external access to applications, they come with limitations. For instance, using multiple LoadBalancer services can lead to high costs due to the creation of numerous static external IP addresses. Ingress provides a more efficient solution by allowing you to manage external access to multiple services using a single external IP address.

Benefits of Ingress

  • Cost Efficiency: Instead of creating multiple LoadBalancer services, Ingress allows you to route traffic to various services through a single IP address.

  • Advanced Routing: Ingress supports path-based and host-based routing, enabling you to define rules for how requests are directed to different services.

  • TLS Termination: Ingress can handle TLS termination, allowing secure connections to your services.

What is Ingress?

Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services. It provides a way to configure access to services based on the request's host and path. However, Ingress cannot function on its own; it requires an Ingress controller to manage the routing rules.

Ingress Controllers

An Ingress controller is responsible for fulfilling the Ingress rules. There are various implementations of Ingress controllers, such as NGINX, HAProxy, and Traefik, each with its own features and configurations. When you create an Ingress resource, the Ingress controller watches for these resources and updates the load balancer accordingly.

Live Coding: Implementing Ingress

In a live coding session, we can demonstrate how to create a simple Ingress resource. Here’s a basic example:

kind: Ingress
  name: example-ingress
  - host:
      - path: /first
        pathType: Prefix
            name: http-svc
              number: 80
      - path: /second
        pathType: Prefix
            name: myapp-svc
              number: 80

In this example, we define an Ingress resource that routes traffic based on the host and path. Requests to will be directed to the http-svc, while requests to will go to myapp-svc.

Testing Ingress

To test the Ingress, you can use tools like curl to send requests with the appropriate host headers. For example:

curl -H "Host:" http://<ingress-ip>/first

This command will route the request to the specified service based on the defined Ingress rules.

TLS Configuration with Ingress

Ingress also supports TLS termination, which is crucial for securing your applications. You can configure TLS in your Ingress resource by specifying a secret that contains your TLS certificate and key.

Example of TLS Configuration

Here’s how you can define TLS in your Ingress resource:

kind: Ingress
  name: tls-ingress
  - hosts:
    secretName: tls-secret
  - host:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: http-svc
              number: 80

In this configuration, the Ingress will terminate TLS for requests to, using the specified secret for the certificate.


Kubernetes Ingress is a powerful tool for managing external access to services within a cluster. By understanding its components, including services, Ingress resources, and Ingress controllers, you can effectively route traffic and secure your applications. The ability to implement advanced routing rules and TLS termination makes Ingress an essential feature for modern cloud-native applications.

As you explore Kubernetes further, consider experimenting with different Ingress controllers and configurations to find the best fit for your applications.