Understanding AWS ECR: A Comprehensive Guide to Elastic Container Registry
TLDR: This blog post provides an in-depth exploration of AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), comparing it with Docker Hub, explaining its features, and demonstrating how to use it effectively for managing Docker images.
In this blog post, we will dive deep into AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), a service designed to store and manage Docker container images. This guide will cover both theoretical concepts and practical demonstrations, ensuring you understand how to access, use, push, and pull your first Docker image onto ECR.
ECR → Elastic Container Registry → store docker images, share images across the world |
highly scalable and available |
ECR | DockerHub | |
by default | private repository | public repository |
security | IAM user can easily integrated with ECR | manually create access policy to each user |
Integration | better integration with other AWS services → EKS,ECS |
Create ECR repo |
search → ECR → get started |
general settings (card) → visibility setting : private → repo name : demo-app-repo → tag immunity : disabled |
image scan setting (card) → scan to push : enabled |
—> create repo |
configure AWS CLI and (login ,buil,tag and push) | |
repository (sidebar) → created ECR (demo-app-repo)→ view push commands → macos/linux (tab) / window(tab) | |
—> download and install → aws cli → to connect local laptop to ECR → aws(type aws in terminal to check whether it is correctly configured) | |
aws configure → [access key id : → secrete access key : → region : → output: ] | |
click on username (top right )→ dropdown → security credentials → Access key (card) [create access key →(get access key id ,secrete access key) ] | |
1. login to ECR container registry (~ docker login → aws ecr get-login-password --region <your-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region> |
2. build docker image → | |
3. tag image for ECR → docker tag test-image:latest <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region> | |
4. push image to ECR → docker push <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region> | |
now in ECR repository we can see pushed docker image |
What is ECR?
ECR stands for Elastic Container Registry. It is an AWS service that functions as a container registry, allowing users to store and manage Docker images. To fully grasp ECR, we can break down the acronym:
E: Elastic
C: Container
R: Registry
The term "elastic" signifies that ECR is highly scalable and available, similar to other AWS services. This means you can increase the capacity of ECR to accommodate any number of container images without restrictions. AWS ensures that ECR is available most of the time, providing reliability for users.
A container is a package that includes your application code along with the necessary software and dependencies required to run that application. ECR is specifically designed to manage these containers, making it easier to share and deploy applications.
ECR serves as a container registry, similar to other registries like Docker Hub, Google Container Registry (GCR), and The primary purpose of these registries is to store Docker images, allowing users to share them globally.
ECR vs. Docker Hub
A common question arises: Why use ECR when Docker Hub is available? Here are some key differences:
Repository Types
Docker Hub: By default, repositories created on Docker Hub are public, meaning anyone can access them. Docker Hub also offers private repositories, but users must create accounts to access them.
ECR: ECR repositories are private by default, focusing on security. Users can create public repositories if needed, but the emphasis is on private access.
Integration with AWS Services
ECR integrates seamlessly with other AWS services like Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Elastic Container Service (ECS). If your organization is already using AWS, leveraging ECR simplifies user management through AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
User Management
With ECR, you can directly integrate IAM users, allowing for easier management of permissions and access. In contrast, using Docker Hub requires each user to create an account, which can complicate access management in larger organizations.
Practical Demonstration of ECR
To illustrate how to use ECR, we will walk through the steps to create a repository, push a Docker image, and pull it back.
Step 1: Create an ECR Repository
Log into your AWS account and navigate to the ECR service.
Click on "Get Started" to create a new repository.
Choose a name for your repository (e.g., "demo-app-repo") and ensure the repository is set to private.
Optionally, enable image scanning for security purposes.
Step 2: Install AWS CLI
Before pushing images to ECR, ensure you have the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed. The AWS CLI allows you to interact with AWS services from your terminal. Follow the installation instructions provided in the AWS documentation.
Step 3: Configure AWS CLI
Run the command aws configure
to set up your AWS credentials, including your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region, and output format.
Step 4: Log into ECR
Use the following command to log into your ECR registry:
aws ecr get-login-password --region <your-region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region>
Step 5: Build and Tag Your Docker Image
- Create a Dockerfile and build your Docker image:
docker build -t test-image .
2. Tag the image for ECR:
docker tag test-image:latest <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region>
Step 6: Push the Docker Image to ECR
Finally, push your Docker image to the ECR repository:
docker push <your-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<your-region>
Step 7: Verify the Image in ECR
After pushing, refresh the ECR console to see your Docker image listed in the repository.
AWS ECR is a powerful tool for managing Docker images, especially for organizations already utilizing AWS services. Its focus on security, ease of integration with IAM, and scalability makes it a preferred choice for private container registries. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively use ECR to manage your Docker images and streamline your development workflow. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.