Enforcing Kubernetes Security with Kyverno: A Comprehensive Guide

TLDR: This blog post provides a detailed overview of using Kyverno to enforce Kubernetes security policies, explaining the importance of governance in Kubernetes, the challenges faced by DevOps engineers, and how to implement Kyverno for automated policy enforcement. It includes practical examples and a step-by-step guide for setting up and using Kyverno in a Kubernetes environment.

Today, I will explain a very advanced Kubernetes real-time project that focuses on enforcing security in Kubernetes clusters using Kyverno. Don't worry if you find the terminology overwhelming; I will break it down into simpler terms. After this video, I encourage you to consider this project as an assignment and try it out yourself.

The Importance of Real-Time Projects

Many people reach out to me, asking why they struggle to crack interviews despite learning the concepts. A common issue is the inability to discuss real-time problems or projects they have worked on. This project can help you articulate your day-to-day work with Kubernetes and demonstrate your problem-solving skills to potential employers. By adding such projects to your resume, you can stand out in the competitive job market.

Project Overview

Today, we will build a project that enforces automated Kubernetes cluster security using Kyverno. This project addresses real-time problems faced by DevOps engineers, particularly in managing Kubernetes clusters in large organizations.

Understanding Governance in Kubernetes

As a DevOps engineer, one of your primary responsibilities is managing Kubernetes clusters. In a multinational company, you may deal with hundreds of namespaces and microservices. Each development team deploys applications in their respective namespaces, but this leads to challenges in governance. Governance refers to ensuring that all deployments comply with organizational rules and standards.

For example, an organization may have a rule that prohibits creating pods with the latest tag to avoid unexpected changes in production environments. As a DevOps engineer, you must ensure compliance with such rules, which is where governance comes into play.

The Role of Kyverno

Kyverno is a tool designed to simplify the governance of Kubernetes clusters. Traditionally, governance was enforced through admission controllers, which validate and mutate requests to the Kubernetes API. However, writing admission controllers can be complex and time-consuming, especially as organizational rules change frequently.

Kyverno allows you to define governance rules using simple YAML files instead of writing complex admission controllers. This dynamic admission controller can automatically create the necessary webhook configurations based on the policies you define.

Key Features of Kyverno

Kyverno offers several functionalities:

  1. Generate: Automatically generate resources based on policies.

  2. Validate: Ensure that resources meet specified criteria before they are created.

  3. Mutate: Modify resources to comply with policies.

  4. Verify Images: Ensure that images used in deployments meet security standards.

For this project, we will focus on the Validate functionality, which allows us to block users from creating resources that do not meet our organizational standards.

Setting Up Kyverno

To get started with Kyverno, you need a running Kubernetes cluster. You can use various tools like MiniKube or K3s to set up your cluster. Once your cluster is ready, follow these steps to install Kyverno:

  1. Install Kyverno: You can install Kyverno using Helm charts or by applying the manifest files directly. For example:

     kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyverno/kyverno/main/config/install.yaml
  2. Verify Installation: Check if Kyverno is running by executing:

     kubectl get pods -n kyverno
  3. Create Policies: Define your governance policies in YAML format. For instance, to enforce resource requests and limits for all pods, you can create a policy like this:

     apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1
     kind: ClusterPolicy
       name: require-resource-requests
       validationFailureAction: enforce
         - name: require-requests
                 - Pod
             message: "Resource requests and limits must be set."
                   - resources:
                         memory: "64Mi"
                         cpu: "250m"
                         memory: "128Mi"
                         cpu: "500m"
  4. Apply Policies: Use the following command to apply your policy:

     kubectl apply -f your-policy-file.yaml

Testing the Policy

To test the policy, try creating a pod without specifying resource requests and limits. For example:

kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx

If the policy is correctly enforced, the creation of the pod should be blocked, and you will see an error message indicating that resource requests and limits must be set.


In this blog post, we explored how to enforce Kubernetes security using Kyverno. We discussed the importance of governance in Kubernetes, the challenges faced by DevOps engineers, and how Kyverno simplifies the process of enforcing policies. By implementing Kyverno, you can ensure that your Kubernetes clusters comply with organizational standards, making your role as a DevOps engineer more efficient and effective.

I encourage you to explore the GitHub repository I created for this project, where you can find detailed instructions and examples to help you get started. Remember, practical experience is key to mastering Kubernetes and impressing potential employers. Happy coding!